Getting Started

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Wow, that was quick. Today, I’ve used Jekyll and GitHub Pages to finally build up my blog. Although, I’m at odds with all those constantly changing web technologies, this time the experience was really good. But let’s come to the point. What is this blog posting and this blog in general about:

My name is Stefan Kalkowski, and I’m a system programmer for more that 10 years now. Most of that time, I was working on developing the Genode OS framework further. During that time I have learned a lot about different layers and areas of system programming, hardware, existing software stacks etc.. And naturally, I made a lot of mistakes, misunderstood things, build regressions, but again learned from it. Unfortunately, my brain is far away from being perfect. So it happens from time to time that I hit a hard problem, which is resource-intensive to debug, and while doing so in the back of my head it’s wispering: you already investigated that symptom in the past. But however, it does not chime in. In those situations I always wished I would have kept a diary.

Another reason for starting this blog is Genode’s missing publicity. Since ten years we work hard every day at Genode Labs to turn Genode into a viable OS alternative to the UNIX/POSIX like established once. We are at one that our technology will bring control back to the end-user and fundamentally improves security and safety of computer systems. Unfortunately, we are not good in doing publicity and attracting attention, but feel safe in just doing the technical part. When looking at the few comments about Genode in public discussions, I often feel that people do not really know what we do, what Genode is about, and what motivation it drives. This blog shall give more insights into the work on Genode too. Hopefully, this will help to interest more people in Genode, abolish some myths about it, and in general better fit its nature of being a community project.

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